Festive Pop Up Shop

The last Pop up of the year was well worth doing! Thank you to everyone who visited. The tearoom was warm and steamy and smelt of lovely spiced mince pies and gingerbread and we had piles of cozy knitwear and vintage decorations on sale in the shop. It felt really festive and full of cheer!

If ever we open a shop then it would be lovely to have a cafe too. There is something lovely about the atmosphere and hustle and bustle that the cafe brings to our Pop Up Shops.

You can just about make them out in this photo but one of the most popular thing at the shop were some little tree decorations we made out of baking paper and chocolate coins. We sewed two pieces of baking paper in various shapes and put a few chocolate coins inside each one. People loved them!

We hope you all have a very
Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year. xx